Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Fox Family Newsletter: "The Health Issue..."

Placy’s Health
Dearly beloved, To be honest, this has been the hardest year of our lives. We lost our son Nico in the Summer and now Placy has been diagnosed with two autoimmune disease and possibly glaucoma.

Antiphosfolipid syndrome- a condition that can cause clotting within your arteries or veins and various other problems, some life-threatening.
Mixed connective tissue disorder- Pain all over her body, all the time.
Glaucoma- Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that gradually steal sight without warning. In the early stages of the disease, there may be no symptoms. Experts estimate that half of the people affected by glaucoma may not know they have it.
We have had a feeling that there was something wrong for a while. We finally went to the doctor and he diagnosed her with the above diseases. We are in the process of trying to figure out exactly what we are supposed to be doing. I will be continuing to raise support to return to Mexico unless GOD shows us something different. 

How can I help?
Please Consider Praying for us for a Month Straight. We understand that ya’ll Pray for us. I am asking for a special month long commitment to pray for us in a very special way.
  • Please Ask GOD to make straight our path, and for GOD to heal Placy & relieve         her pain.
  • Please Pray for wisdom for me to see our path & hear HIS guiding call. 

We are at 80% of our support.  Would you like to help us get back to the field? If so Please get in contact with me @ 940-783-8092 or email me at!
1.) Throw a Missionary dinner for us- Cook a dinner & invite 10 of your friends that are not involved in Missions & we will come and explain what our ministry is and a little of what it has looked like over the last 6yrs. Please, let them know that we will be talking about support so they don’t feel blindsided.
2.) Network for us- You know a ton of people we don’t. Be our advocate for us until we can meet with them.
3.) Pray for us- Our needs are so many. GOD is listening to you & waiting for you to speak. Please include our family into your daily Praying life.
4.) Support us- It does not take much to get a Missionary on to the field. It does take dedication monthly support. A monthly $25 dollar (in volume of course) donation will get us to Mexico & keep us there for a long time.
Thank Ya'll & GOD Bless!

Bryan & Placy


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